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Frequently asked questions

Yes it is. Much in the same way that you would need a commercial license to use music on a TV commercial, the same principle applies to Tik Tok. Most brands are unaware of this problem. 

Is This A Serious Threat To My Business?

Yes unfortunately it is. There are multiple cases of Music Labels suing brands for using their licensed music on their Tik Tok profile, collabs or ads.

Warner Music accused Bang of violating its copyrights in 187 songs by popular musicians including The Weeknd, Justin Bieber and Dua Lipa.

WMG requested either actual money damages or statutory damages of up to $150,000 per song, as well as a court order to permanently block Bang from using its music.

The total case is $28M

After signing up and submitting your Tik Tok & Instagram profile to us, we will run a check on all your Tik Tok videos to see which videos are potentially violating copyright infringement. We will provide a report detailing this information. You can then act to delete, archive or change the music to commercial license. You can also use the info to discuss with your legal counsel.

What Is The Cost Of The Service?

Once we perform an initial check of your profile we can share our price for the report. Simply input your details,  click get started.

No unfortunately it will not but you are best identifying problematic videos and removing them as soon as possible.

Yes we can do this as long as all your paid collabs use a brand hashtag for example #nike. Please email us on or discuss with us on Live Chat.

No this is not legal advice. We advise contacting your own legal counsel for more information on how to best protect your business from copyright infringements.

How Quickly Can The Report Be Produced?

The report will be produced using our proprietary software and delivered via email within 5-10 days.

Does Tik Tok Have A Commercial Music Library?

Yes Tik Tok does have a Commercial Music Library. To best protect your brand from copyright infringement you should always use the Commercial Music Library on all organic, paid collabs and ads.

Is All Information Discussed Private & Confidential?

Yes 100% always. We will never share you details and information with other parties.

We currently can provide reports for the United States & United Kingdom. We can do other countries too though. Please email us on or discuss with us on Live Chat.

Can I Do The Check Myself?

Yes in theory you could but it could take you a lot of time to cross reference and check every video on your Tik Tok or Instagram profile and every paid collab. On average an account takes over 3 weeks to check manually and often errors occur, we use our proprietary software to ensure 99.9% accuracy.

No not in the same way other platforms do such as Facebook, Instagram & YouTube.

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Google mobile can monetize your app

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